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Project Owner‘s Guidelines

If you are a young person with a vision how to make the world better and seek funding for socially valuable and financially sustainable project, take these steps:
1. Carefully read the Terms of Website Use and register
2. Present your project. Download a short project description, photos and video explaining your idea to sponsors. Make the project‘s social impact clear and accurately describe products and services your investors will receive in return. Foresee how you will communicate with your sponsors and how you will ensure that your return to sponsors is timely and of good quality.
3. Promote your project. ImpactYouth seeks to make your project broady visible. It is very important that you work together! Use your social networks to tell everybody your idea is ready for investment!
– Write a news post and share it broadly
- Ask your friends to help promote your project
- Invite your friends for coffee/ drinks or to a party to discuss your poject
- Present your project publicly to various stakeholder groups
– Constantly inform through your channels how your project is doing and how succesfully it collects funds. After the project is funded, give regular updates on how you are progressing with project implementation
- Invest time and even some money to build promotion campaign
- Use promotion tools in social media
- Ask somebody to make first investments to break the ice
- Speak about your project as much as possible!
4. Fulfill your obligations the way you have committed in the project description. Inform your sponsors if there are any delays or complications in project implementation.
How to create a project in Impactyouth platform
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